All Hands on Deck!

SLAA News,
This afternoon, members from the community awareness committee  prepared and delivered 200 sack lunches to St. Patrick’s Center.  This is nothing new to this group!  They enjoy getting together to donate their time to help make a difference in someone's life. 
St. Patrick Center provides opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Individuals and families build permanent, positive change in their lives through safe and affordable housing, sound mental and physical health, and employment and financial stability.

Thank you to Jenn Heuer, and her son Landon, Tammie Sprinkle, Jon Woodrome, Laura Bruyere, Lindsy Harvey, Angelina Kovalenko, and Luke Randall.  We appreciate all of you.  Thank you for taking time out of your afternoon schedule to help.
If you want to get involved with SLAA's Community Awareness committee, we can always use more hands-on deck. Call the SLAA office (314.205.8844) to talk about this opportunity.