How to Make the Most out of Your Membership!

Joining our association is the first step in connecting with the multifamily industry.

The next step is insuring you are making the most out of your membership by taking advantage of everything SLAA offers. 

Below are 5 easy steps to follow:


  1. Perfect your profile!

When you signed up for your membership, everyone created a profile, however did you complete it? Did you add your company logo, link your website & social media accounts, what about adding your head shot or contact information? Click here to see the steps on how to perfect your profile.

  1. Attend our events!

Virtual or in person – attending events is a great way to connect, grow your business, and network with our association. View our events & learn how to register for them!

  1. Stay connected with members!

Our industry loves staying connected! We know it’s been hard with limited in person events, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay in touch! Click here to view the tools on how to look up all our members!

  1. Members Doing Business with Members

Our associations moto is “Members Doing Business with Members”. Before you call out for bids, look at our online directory of Supplier Partners! Did you know that you could search my Area of Expertise? You can narrow down your search with key areas like “landscaping, carpet cleaning, attorneys, etc.”. Click here to learn more!

  1. Make sure you are receiving our email updates!

Our main form of communication is emails! We send out emails with details on upcoming events, credential classes, legislative updates, and more! Make sure you stay in the know!

If you are not receiving our emails, please talk with your IT department. Your company’s server may be blocking our information.  Ask them to add “”, our domain to your company’s “Whitelist”. By doing this, emails and newsletters will be allowed through your email server.   


Don’t forget to apply all the above to make the most of your membership!