Carla Powell
Carla Powell Executive Vice President
Angela Lewis Regional Manager
Brian Dooley Marketing Coordinator
Brooke McGee Regional Manager
Chrissy Leisure Property Manager
Katherine Raterman Assistant Community Manager
Katie Kaiser Social Media & Brand Management Coordinator
Kelli McGuire Regional Manager
Shawna Lipp
Shawna Lipp CAPS, CAM Regional Manager
Tara Wagman Property Manager
Tarra Allen Property Manager
William Schuba Associate Vice President
2200 LaSalle
2200 LaSalle St. Louis, Missouri
44 West Luxury Living
44 West Luxury Living Valley Park, MO
Alpine Heights
Alpine Heights Saint Charles, Missouri
Bemiston Place
Bemiston Place
Cantwell Crossing
Cantwell Crossing Swansea, IL
Cedar Lakes Apartments
Cedar Lakes Apartments Lake St. Louis, MO
Chapter at the Streets
Chapter at the Streets Saint Charles, Missouri
Clayton on the Park
Clayton on the Park St. Louis, MO
Cortona at Forest Park
Cortona at Forest Park St. Louis, MO
Creekside Landing
Creekside Landing Lake St. Louis, MO
Edwin on Grand, The
Edwin on Grand, The St. Louis, Missouri
Encore at Forest Park
Encore at Forest Park St. Louis, MO
Euclid, The
Euclid, The St. Louis, Missouri
Expo at Forest Park
Expo at Forest Park St. Louis, Missouri
Flats at Wildhorse
Flats at Wildhorse Chesterfield, Missouri
Georgian Apartments
Georgian Apartments St. Louis, Missouri
Grand Flats
Grand Flats St. Louis, MO
Heartland View
Heartland View Wentzville, MO
Hibernia Apartments
Hibernia Apartments St. Louis, Missouri
Laurel, The
Laurel, The St. Louis, MO
Lofts at Lafayette Square
Lofts at Lafayette Square St. Louis, MO
M Lofts at Lafayette Square
M Lofts at Lafayette Square St. Louis, MO
Northbrooke Commons
Northbrooke Commons Mascoutah, Illinois
Oasis, The
Oasis, The
One Foundry Way
One Foundry Way St. Louis, Missouri
Park Pacific
Park Pacific St. Louis, Missouri
Piazza at West Pine Apartments
Piazza at West Pine Apartments St. Louis, MO
Prairie Apartments & Villas
Prairie Apartments & Villas Dardenne, MO
Promenade at New Town
Promenade at New Town St. Charles, MO
Renaissance Hills Apartments
Renaissance Hills Apartments Mount Vernon, Illinois
Residences at Delmar Divine
Residences at Delmar Divine St. Louis, Missouri
Residences at Forest Park
Residences at Forest Park St. Louis, MO
Springwell Village
Springwell Village St. Charles, MO
Station St. Peters
Station St. Peters St. Peters, MO
Steelcote Square
Steelcote Square St. Louis, Missouri
Sullivan, The
Sullivan, The Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Terraces at Wildhorse
Terraces at Wildhorse
Thirteen 01 at Hartman Lakes & Villas at Hartman Lakes
Thirteen 01 at Hartman Lakes & Villas at Hartman Lakes Shiloh, IL
Two Twelve Clayton
Two Twelve Clayton Clayton, MO
Villas at Crystal Lake
Villas at Crystal Lake Swansea, IL
Wildhorse Apartments
Wildhorse Apartments Chesterfield, Missouri
Willows Luxury Villas
Willows Luxury Villas O'Fallon, Missouri
York House, The
York House, The St. Louis, MO
SLAA Logo Owner Management Company