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Job Swap!

Job Swap!

Have your teams switch roles for the week!

Monday, February 22, 2021 at 8:00 AM (CST) to Friday, February 26, 2021 at 12:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Job Swap!

February 22nd through February 26th

This week’s goal is for your team members to get an idea what each other face on a daily basis! 

This exercise is directed at having your Maintenance Team and Office Team switch roles for the week, or in better terms "Shadow" one another. 

Each day pick a different person to shadow someone, space it out so your operations still runs smoothly!

When roles are switched, your team will be able to see exactly what each other face on a day to day basis. This will give them better understanding of what each other does and hopefully grow a stronger appreciation between each department!

OH! And if this event didn't excite you enough - If your team participates, take pictures of your team switching roles and submit them to

All participants will be entered into a drawing to win $100 Visa gift card!!

1. Send photos of your teams Job Swaps to! (This will give you one submission into the $100 drawing)

2. Send quotes from your team members letting us know how they liked their experience or what they learned from it to (This will give one more submission in the $100 drawing!)

All submissions are due by February 28th! 

Drawing will be on March 1st

Any questions contact

Thank you to our Official 2021 NextGen Sponsors!