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Maryland Heights, MO 63043
United States
12777 Olive Boulevard, Suite C
Saint Louis, MO 63141 314.205.8844
Holiday Social , Silent Auction and Holiday Attire Contest
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM (CST)
Orlando Gardens
2050 Dorsett RoadMaryland Heights, MO 63043
United States
Event Details
It's Time To Be Merry!
Please join your SLAA colleagues as we celebrate the holiday season. And, be sure to wear your favorite holiday attire.
Our holiday social wouldn't be the same without our theme basket silent auction, and our holiday attire contest!
Wear your favorite holiday attire and be entered into a drawing to with a $200.00 gift card!
Baskets should be theme related, i.e., baby, picnic, movie time, wine & cheese, holiday, seasons, educational sports, or beach.
The property/company whose basket raises the most revenue from the auction, will be awarded a $200.00 gift card.
Deadline to register is Friday, November 25th. No refunds after this date!
For More Information:

Saint Louis, MO 63141 314.205.8844